
Laudato Si’

What is the Laudato Si' Action Platform?

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is the global Catholic Church’s response to the climate crisis.

Under the leadership of Sister Sharon Zayac and a coordinating committee, Springfield Dominican Sisters and Associates will oversee the congregation’s participation in this urgent response.

We will work toward all seven areas of concern as outlined in the Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si': (1) responding to the cry of the Earth, (2) responding to the cry of the poor, (3) ecological economics, (4) adoption of sustainable lifestyles, (5) ecological education, (6) ecological spirituality, and (7) community action.

Join us as we take part in this ground-up approach, empowering all people to take “decisive action, here and now” as we journey towards a better future together. (LS 161)

Helping Earth Heal: Permaculture at Jubilee Farm
For decades the Dominican Sisters of Springfield have understood, preached, taught and begun to adapt their lives in response to the ecological crisis facing Earth. Now they and hundreds of other congregations of Catholic Sisters around the globe are responding to the cry of Earth and the cry of the poor by joining Pope Francis in a seven-year journey toward sustainable living. 

Enjoy this podcast to learn about how permaculture can help heal Earth.

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Laudato Si' Action Platform Resources

When we find articles, websites, videos or webinars we think you'll want to know about, we'll put them here. In the meantime, you can't beat these websites for access to great resources you can start exploring today.


https://www.jomashop.com/blog/articles/guide-to-green-shopping - A Guide to Green Shopping, thanks to Ms. Platt, Lindsie, Nacole, Bryan and Madalyn at Friends of Bay Minette, Alabama.

https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/ - Official Vatican Website

https://laudatosimovement.org - Global Catholic organization focusing on care for Earth and ecological justice

https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/resources - USCCB website with a great searchable directory of resources for everyone

https://www.ipjc.org/climate-change-resources - Catholic Climate Covenant helps US Catholics respond to the Church's call to care for creation and care for the poor

https://grist.org/ - Independent, nonprofit source for news about climate solutions

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