
Join us in praying the Building Blocks of Peace


  1. The Building Block of No Poverty
    Reader: We pray that families and all people may have rights and access to economic resources, live with the basic necessities of life and enjoy life in all it has to offer,
    All: God of abundance, show us how to share.
  2. The Building Block of Zero Hunger
    Reader: We pray that no one will suffer from lack of food and the nutrition needed for healthy and productive living. 
    All: God of fertile soil, show us the way to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  3. The Building Block of Good Health and Well-being
    Reader: We pray that people across the world will have access to health care services, life-saving and life-promoting medicines, and ways to promote their own well-being.
    All: God of life, show us how to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.
  4. The Building Block of Quality Education
    Reader: We pray that all girls and boys, women and men, will have equal opportunities for education, learning opportunities across, and at each stage and age of life, so as to lessen discord and strife.
    All: God of Wisdom and light, show us the way to the just advancement of our sisters and brothers so that division may be removed.
  5. The Building Block of Gender Equality
    Reader: We pray that all women and girls may achieve gender equality and be empowered to participate fully at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life,
    All: God of Empowerment, show us the way to support women and girls and how to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.
  6. The Building Block of Clean Water and Sanitation
    Reader: We pray that in all areas of the world persons may have access to safe and affordable drinking water and that sanitation and hygiene needs are met, especially for women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
    All: God of creation, show us the way as we seek to be good stewards of the earth’s water supply.
  7. The Building Block of Affordable and Clean Energy
    Reader: We pray that in all areas of the world persons may have access to an energy supply that meets their needs, that is efficient, and that includes renewable energy as part of the energy supply. 
    All: God of infinite energy, show us the way. Help us ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all.
  8. The Building Block of Decent Work and Economic Growth 
    Reader: We pray that workers can depend on having a job, one that pays a living wage, one that has a safe and secure working environment, and one that is not from forced or slave labor.
    All: God of productivity, show us the way to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  9. The Building Block of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    Reader: We pray that countries take leadership in developing quality, sustainable and resilient infrastructure that supports economic development and human well-being, always with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
    All: God of Creativity, may our efforts mirror your creativity and be resourceful and innovative in constructing a better world, sustaining what we have been so freely given.
  10. The Building Block of Reduced Inequalities
    Reader: We pray that the nations of the world will work toward reducing the inequality within and among countries.
    All: God of Solidarity, help us to see that we are one human family with responsibilities to each other across national, racial, economic and ideological differences.
  11. The Building Block of Sustainable Cities and Communities
    Reader: We pray that cities and neighborhoods be inclusive, safe, and sustainable, safeguarding cultures, and providing green and public spaces and accessible transportation.
    All: God of Diversity, teach us to discover the worth of each thing, that we may protect the world and sow beauty.
  12. The Building Block of Responsible Consumption and Production
    Reader: We pray that leaders and citizens in our world work together for the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources and promote ways to reduce waste in all areas, including food.
    All: God who provides, show us the way and help us ensure sustainable and clean consumption and production patterns.
  13. The Building Block of Climate Action 
    Reader: We pray that nations, and all citizens, see the reality of climate concerns and commit to actions, both personally and collectively, that help adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. 
    All: God of nature, help us to be wise, courageous and resilient in taking action to combat climate change and its impacts.
  14. The Building Block of Life Below Water
    Reader: We pray that all peoples value life in the seas and conserve, develop, and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources.
    All: God of Sustainability, we know that water and marine life is necessary for our own lives. Show us the way to be responsible stewards.
  15. The Building Block of Life on Land
    Reader: We pray that all appreciate the lushness and diversity of all creation and work to lessen Earth’s destruction and the endangerment of the many multiple species.
    All: God of life, great protector and promoter of creation, show us the way to care for and protect our planet and its biodiversity that sustains our well-being and life and the health of the planet.
  16. The Building Block of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    Reader: We pray that nations will promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build accountable and inclusive institutions,
    All: God of Peace, God of Justice, show us the way to nurture a society built on love and peace, bringing an end to division, strife and war.
  17. The Building Block of Partnerships for the Goals
    Reader: We pray that nations will partner with one another in financial endeavors, science and technology innovation, debt reduction strategies, and equitable trading systems.
    All: God of unity, show us the way to strengthen the working together of all peoples and revitalize global partnerships as we work for sustainable development.

All: Gracious God, Source and Creator of all life, you desire that all peoples live in peace with one another and with the entire cosmos. “Lead us all … from death to life, from falsehood to truth; from hate to love; from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart; Let peace fill our world; Let peace fill our universe.” May we be living building blocks for peace. Amen

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