
Dominican Sisters Join National Outcry Against Supreme Court Travel Ban Decision


Standing with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the 38,000 Catholic Sisters they represent

An open letter to the nation,

When religious-based discrimination is permitted, especially when sanctioned by those at the highest levels of government, the free-exercise of religion by members of all faiths is threatened.

This week the Dominican Sisters of Springfield join our voices with 38,000 Catholic Sisters nationwide in saying “not in our name” to the United States’ Supreme Court’s decision in the case of President Donald J. Trump v. State of Hawaii—the president’s third attempt to ban Muslims from our country. The court’s flawed ruling adds to the climate of fear and anti-Muslim sentiment in this country and threatens the values upon which our nation is founded.

As women of faith, we believe all people are created in God’s image, all are worthy of respect, and all are entitled to the protection of their human rights and religious liberty. We strongly object to the president’s continued abuse of his authority to create by fiat policy that denies access to our Muslim sisters and brothers because of their religion. Such discrimination violates our deeply held beliefs and is inimical to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

We will stand with the Muslim community in Springfield and around the nation, and with all who are subjected to the deeply troubling discriminatory policies of this administration. We call on Congress to exercise its power to challenge the president’s offensive and dangerous policy and ensure that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are upheld.


Join us for the Families Belong Together rally at 11 a.m. this Saturday in downtown Springfield. Learn more about the rally here.


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