Our Grounding in the Word
Let the Word of Christ in all its richness find a home in you. Colossians 3:16
We are formed, shaped and molded by the Word of God. Continual study and growth nurtures our relationship with God and with one another.
We value the gift of Life-Long Learning. The Word of God is revealed to us through Scripture and through loving attentiveness to the world around us. Both invite us into ever deeper discovery of the mystery of God-With-Us. We continually find new richness and depth in Scripture. Every field of knowledge offers its own means of discovering God. Every science and discipline reveals a little more about God’s presence in the world.
The world is our classroom. We keep pace with contemporary issues and world events that affect the lives of the people to and with whom we minister. The learning we engage in is not merely abstract; it is action-oriented toward collaboration in God’s dream for the world. The ultimate goal of study is not self-advancement: it is the service of truth.