Do you ever wonder, what, exactly, is a vocation?
One of the best definitions comes from Frederick Beuchner, who said "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." What makes you the happiest? What does the world long for? That is where you need to be. That is your vocation.
In terms of vocation in classic sense, it is a call from God. And in the Catholic tradition there are really only a few vocations: Marriage. Priesthood. Consecrated religious life. That's it.
So don't be confused about your career. That's a separate thing from vocation. Many careers—teaching, computer science, culinary arts, medical sciences, research sciences, financial advising, language arts, architecture, graphic design to name but a few—are completely compatible with any of the three vocations.
If you are in search of the place to which God is calling you, here are a few easy steps to move you in the right direction.

A routine prayer life helps ready your spirit for hearing the quiet whisper of God's presence. Try attending Mass regularly, praying the rosary, meditating on scripture, journaling, spending time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, or even making a weekend retreat.
Contact a trusted friend or spiritual guide to talk about your discernment and keep you accountable for your next steps.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction, available from trained sisters, priests or lay persons, attunes the heart to the voice of the Lord and will help you identify how the Holy Spirit is moving in your life.
Come & See
Often coordinated by vocation ministers from a diocese or religious community, these "Come & See" events offer a glimpse into the lives of women and men in formation for religious life or priesthood. They give you a concrete experience and can help you identify whether you are called to this way of life.
Discerning a vocation should not be considered an “accomplishment” that you check off your to do list. It's a daily walking with God that involves the whole person. A healthy life balance of eating well, exercising, and getting the proper amount of rest will positively contribute to your spiritual well-being!
Get Involved
Make a gift of your life! Consider volunteering in your parish or community and find trusted friends who can provide support, encouragement and accountability for your discernment journey.