Take one simple first step.
Visit myreps.datamade.us/.
Type in your home address to discover the elected officials who represent you at the municipal, county, state, and federal level.
Save that information in a way that works for you: bookmark it, write it down, print it out, add it to a document or spread sheet.
You do you. Just make sure it's handy when you need it.
When you need to communication with your elected officials, local, county, state or federal, you have what you need.

There is so much disinformation out there. How do you know who to trust for truth?
Look to the helpers! These Catholic agencies are on the front lines. They accompany the most vulnerable people in our country. They know first-hand the impact of actions being taken in Washington right now. You can trust them.
Visit these websites and register for the newsletters and alerts they send out.

In addition to the many resources we shared with you last week, we want to add these. This is a mix of organizations we sisters rely on for facts, inspiration, and support for our Gospel-based commitment to social justice and Catholic Social Teaching.
Do you know a resource that would be good to add to the list? Submit it here and we'll check it out and if appropriate, add it to our list.

The secret to not despairing is to exercise your muscle of hope. Everyday. Here's a checklist of 82 ways you can resist, in little bites, small steps. Download this and stick it somewhere handy. When you are tempted to despair, pick one thing. Do it as an act of resistance to despair.

We are in the resistance movement for the long hall. It can't be sustained solo.
That's what Cor Unum is for. We are a Springfield gathering place for young adult women seeking belonging, friendship, and purpose. Whether you are a woman of faith, have walked away from religious traditions, or need a safe space to be who you really are, you are welcome at Cor Unum.
If you are nearby, please join us at Cor Unum House at 7:00 p.m., Friday April 4, to meet other women who like yourself want to make a difference.

It's time.
Resisting harm to vulnerable people and planet is impossible alone.
Our Dominican forbears knew this. 16th Century Dominicans on the island of Hispaniola risked speaking against the encomienda system that enslaved the indigenous people of the island. They and the Dominicans at the University of Salamanca, Spain, worked together to systematically oppose enslavement through study, contemplation, political engagement, and direct action. Today we call their method the Salamanca Process. (Learn more here.)
Cor Unum Community is following their inspiration by organizing Salamanca Circles, small groups of courageous women ready to resist injustice today. Use this form to register for our first gathering.