
Contemplative Dialogue and How It Works

We know that these are challenging times for conversation about the crisis facing our democracy. Are you at a loss about where to begin with a values-based, non-violent dialogue? Are you concerned about how to recover our sense of justice, unity, and trust after events in our nation's capitol this month? We have some resources that might help.

Because we believe that every person has something to contribute to the healing process needed now in our country, we invite you to check out these tips for engaging in dialogue.

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On February 8, 2017, members of the Dominican Sisters’ Leadership Team shared their experience of remaining grounded in God during challenging times.

Watch "Contemplative Dialogue: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Communal Wisdom."

Interested in reading an example of the contemplative dialogue practices in action? Check out the article from our blog from May 2017 on a conversation between Aaron Tebrinke, Digital Specialist with the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, and his close friend Shirley Johnson. 

Read "Healing with Dialogue: Election Year Strained Friendship" below

Healing with Dialogue

By Website Administrator | May 26, 2017 | 1 Comment

Healing with Dialogue Election Year Strained Friendship by Aaron Tebrinke with reflections by Shirley Johnson and J. Graham Thompson, LMFT Aaron Tebrinke, our Multimedia Specialist, and Shirley Johnson have been friends since 2013. Aaron feared that their friendship was damaged by the general election last November. He was eager to try an exercise in contemplative […]

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