

Meeting Our Physcial & Spiritual Needs: Now & in the Future

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Thank you for your support of the Regina Coeli renovation. Your generosity will help us meet the physical and spiritual needs of the most senior sisters in a safe, comfortable environment.

Be sure to check back often for video updates on the renovation progress.

Final Update from Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP

April 11, 2022

Progress Update from Sheila Dickerson, Asst. Nursing Director

December 30, 2021

Progress Update from Sister Kathleen Anne Tait

November 12, 2021

Progress Update from Brad Cox, Maintenance Director

September 27, 2021

Progress Update from Sister Ann Clennon, OP

September 3, 2021

Photo Renderings of Completed Project

At the beginning of the project, The Farnsworth Group completed digital renderings of how the space would look once finished.

Flip through the slideshow to see how a few of the brand new spaces will look!

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