
Month of Peace 2020

Dominican Month for Peace: Peace Building Efforts

Week 1 focused on introducing the Dominican history in Ukraine. Week 2 focused on Dominican efforts to help young persons to heal and learn peace building skills, skills that will positively impact Ukraine’s future. Week 3 focused on specific efforts to facilitate peace building efforts through leadership training and promoting reconciliation in local communities and […]

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preacher leading service for armed service men/women in Ukraine

Dominican Month for Peace: The Dominican Family in Ukraine

After being suppressed during the Communist era, the Order was refounded in Ukraine in the early 1990s. 25 friars in seven communities 18 sisters from four congregations in five communities 82 laity in seven cities 6 groups of Youth in the places of ministry of the friars  FACILITATING LEADERS OF RECONCILIATION Along with the work

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ukranian children baking

Dominican Month for Peace: War, Repression and Displacement in Ukraine

In the aftermath of the April 2014 Ukrainian revolution, the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, and protests by Russian-backed separatist groups, fighting in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of East Ukraine (collectively called the “Donbass”) has been ongoing. Hundreds of citifies and settlements have been captured by Russian-led troops. According to the office

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Dominican Month for Peace: Ukraine

After three years of demonstrating global Dominican solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are working to bring hope in situations of violence and war, the Dominican Month for Peace has now become a regular part of the annual program of our Dominican Family. We started with a Latin American focus on Colombia in 2017.

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