
Update from Our Dominican Sisters in Iraq: August 23rd 2014

By Website Administrator | August 25, 2014

Update from Our Dominican Sisters in Iraq. Please continue to pray and call for respect for the human dignity of all people… August 23rd 2014 Dear all, We continue to share our daily struggle with you, hoping that our cry will reach the world. We are like the blind man of Jericho (Mark 10: 46-52), who had nothing to express himself, but his voice, asking Jesus for mercy. Although some people ignored his voice, others listened, and helped […]

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What you can do for Dominican Sisters in Iraq

By Website Administrator | August 18, 2014

A message from our Dominican Sisters in Iraq: Please contact your government leaders to help. August 17th, 2014 Dear all, After eleven days, it feels like we are on the same day we left. Some people are still in the streets, others are still in the parks, and some take refuge in schools. People are desperate to find a place to stay; even construction sites, unfinished buildings, private event halls, and basements are inhabited. A lot of people […]

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Prayer for Peace

By Website Administrator | July 2, 2014

God of all nations and all people, God of the frightened and of those in danger, God of the bold and the courageous, We pray with our Dominican brothers and sisters in Iraq. May they feel surrounded by the prayers of their Dominican Family. Give them the wisdom to know how to live, how to minister, what word to preach in these days when they are in so much danger and their country is torn apart by war […]

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