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Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL Cooks' Prepare Meals for The Matthew Project

The food service staff at Sacred Heart Convent is proud to make some warm meals for homeless children in The Matthew Project.  The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL have sponsored the children of The Matthew Project with meals for several years. This particular year, the gift of the food is needed more than ever. The

Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL Cooks' Prepare Meals for The Matthew Project Read More »

Sister Patricia Seelbach, OP and Sister Jean Michael Constantine, OP

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Patricia and Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Jean Michael. May they both rest in peace. Sister Patricia Seelbach, OP died at 3:40 p.m. Monday, November 28, 2016. Sister Jean Michael Constantine, OP passed away this Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at

Sister Patricia Seelbach, OP and Sister Jean Michael Constantine, OP Read More »

Two Things You Can Do For National Vocation Awareness Week

During National Vocation Awareness Week, we are asking you to simply do two things for us to help young women connect their gifts to God: 1.Read the story. 2.Share the link. Read the guest column by Sister Teresa in the Sate Journal-Register: Catholic sisters continue to make a difference. Share the link to our blog

Two Things You Can Do For National Vocation Awareness Week Read More »

SDART member James Forstall is Springfield's 2016 First Citizen!

Congratulations, James Forstall, Springfield’s 2016 First Citizen! We’re proud of you!   All of us, not just Springfield, are better because of the blessing James is! James is a very active member of the Springfield Dominican Anti-Racism Team (SDART) that has regular meetings at the Scared Heart Convent motherhouse.   Read the front page story

SDART member James Forstall is Springfield's 2016 First Citizen! Read More »

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