Collecting Sisters' Stories to Inspire and Guide Archives Story Map For use by archives to collect data from sisters regarding their ministry stories. Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Ministry Site #1(Required)Include the name of the ministry and the city where it was/is located.What years did you minister at this site?(Required)How would you like to participate in the Story Map Project?(Required) I have already submitted info to the archives about this ministry location. I have written memories I will send to you. I haven't written anything yet but I will. I'd like to share my story but I don't know where to begin. Artifacts(Required)If you have any of the following items related to this ministry site, please indicate that by checking all that apply. Please note: the archives is not interested in receiving physical objects other than those listed here. Physical photos Digital photos Print materials (yearbooks, news clippings, etc.) Questions or CommentsUse this space to let Maira know what's on your mind.Would you like to provide info about a second ministry site? Yes No Ministry Site #2Include the name of the ministry and the city where it was/is located.What years did you minister at this site?How would you like to participate in the Story Map Project? I have already submitted info to the archives about this ministry location. I have written memories I will send to you. I haven't written anything yet but I will. I'd like to share my story but I don't know where to begin. ArtifactsIf you have any of the following items related to this ministry site, please indicate that by checking all that apply. Please note: the archives is not interested in receiving physical objects other than those listed here. Physical photos Digital photos Print materials (yearbooks, news clippings, etc.) Questions or CommentsUse this space to let Maira know what's on your mind.Would you like to provide info about a third ministry site? Yes No Ministry Site #3Include the name of the ministry and the city where it was/is located.What years did you minister at this site?How would you like to participate in the Story Map Project? I have already submitted info to the archives about this ministry location. I have written memories I will send to you. I haven't written anything yet but I will. I'd like to share my story but I don't know where to begin. ArtifactsIf you have any of the following items related to this ministry site, please indicate that by checking all that apply. Please note: the archives is not interested in receiving physical objects other than those listed here. Physical photos Digital photos Print materials (yearbooks, news clippings, etc.) Questions or CommentsUse this space to let Maira know what's on your mind.Would you like to provide info about a fourth ministry site? Yes No Ministry Site #4Include the name of the ministry and the city where it was/is located.What years did you minister at this site?How would you like to participate in the Story Map Project? I have already submitted info to the archives about this ministry location. I have written memories I will send to you. I haven't written anything yet but I will. I'd like to share my story but I don't know where to begin. ArtifactsIf you have any of the following items related to this ministry site, please indicate that by checking all that apply. Please note: the archives is not interested in receiving physical objects other than those listed here. Physical photos Digital photos Print materials (yearbooks, news clippings, etc.) Questions or CommentsUse this space to let Maira know what's on your mind. 40350