
A More Perfect Union

Folded Hands over Bible with US Flag

As the 2020 national election in November draws closer, tensions are rising within our nation. We believe that the Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR) practice of contemplative dialogue, deep listening, and mutual respect are prophetic actions that we can offer right now to work towards creating a more perfect union. Now more than ever, our nation needs the guiding principles of faith and love to combat the negativity all around us. No matter your political affiliation, we can all agree that a nation based on love, faith, and understanding would be a nation we are all proud to call our own.

We invite you to join us on a journey of faith and dialogue to explore various principles of faith and how they relate to our ideals of democracy. Throughout the next eight weeks, we will be sharing ways you can participate in this meaningful dialogue.

How To Participate

  1. Pray with the reflections provided each week.
  2. Gather groups of sisters, friends, colleagues, or your neighbors for some virtual conversations about the state of our democracy.
  3. Capture stories of what occurs as you have these conversations. How is your conversation impacting the lives of those participating? What change has occurred in your local area or city as a result of the dialogue you are hosting?

Helpful Reminders

A few things to keep in mind as you gather participants for this virtual dialogue.

  • Whose voices are we including? Whose are missing from the table? Who else should be invited to the conversation
  • Are we hoping to facilitate greater understanding or simply convince others of the rightness of our position?
  • What will help us center the human dignity of each person and deescalate the situation when we feel ourselves get tense?

We will post a new set of reflection questions and dialogue prompts each week, so be sure to check back. There are also links to additional resources below.

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