
Clothing swap offers way to help others

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

The adage rings true for the co-workers and the Dominican Sisters at Sacred Heart Convent in Springfield, Illinois. The higher cost of clothes, along with the desire to be good stewards of the Earth, inspired the group to offer a simple idea that benefits all.

The workers at Sacred Heart Convent, along with the Dominican sisters, started a biannual clothing swap that helps everyone find something new.

Becky Woiwode, SHC Administrator, said the idea began in 2021 when workers in the finance area asked if they could hold a garage sale at the convent.

“We were still in the COVID-19 phase at that time, so we couldn’t open it to the public. We asked all the co-workers if they could bring in items they would want to give away to fellow co-workers or the sisters,” said Becky. 

The idea was well received and is now offered twice a year at the motherhouse. 

“We schedule one around back to school time and the other after Christmas,” she continued. 

Items include clothing and shoes in all shapes and sizes that fill many tables in a meeting room.   Becky said she was happy to offer the clothing swap because it aligns with the sisters’ values. 

“Since the sisters take a vow of poverty it gives them a chance to get an update to their wardrobe. It also helps the earth by not letting the clothes get into the landfill,” she continued. 

Since the convent is staffed 24 hours, the event is held Thursday through Sunday. 

“We wanted everyone to have the opportunity to participate. Everyone seems to enjoy it and I know the sisters like the concept of helping our earth,” she continued. 

Once the swap ends, the remaining items are donated to various organizations that help others in the Springfield community. 

“This year we are giving to St. Martin DePores Center and in the past we have given to other non-profit groups,” she said. 

Sister Suzanne Donner says the items that are donated still have lots of life left in them and any remaining items go to help others. 

“When we take items to St. Martin DePores Center, it’s a place that doesn’t charge for items. Many people can’t afford buying a new outfit or shoes and this is the perfect way to help,” said Suzanne.   

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