Sometimes all it takes is an invitation.
Do you know a young woman who has a desire to make the world a better place?
- Who is considerate of others?
- Who asks insightful questions?
- Who has a gift for recognizing injustice?
- Who practices her Catholic faith?
- Who is attracted to matters of the spirit?
Then you know a potential Dominican Sister of Springfield.
If you know someone like that, your encouragement can make all the difference. Think about inviting her to consider life as Springfield Dominican Sister.
Don’t know where to start?
How to start a conversation
Use these conversation starters now, so there are Dominican Sisters to preach the gospel tomorrow.
Do you know what I admire in you? I notice _________________.
I see how deeply you care about __________.
God uses your gifts when you_________________.
I’ve seen you grow in_________________________.
Your commitment to _____________________ is an inspiration to me.
Then say: I think you would make a great sister. Would you give that some thought? The world needs Catholic sisters now more than ever. You’d be great! I promise to pray for you and support you if you want to choose this path in life.
Want to know more?
View the inspirational Discern God's Call, or contact us if you’d like more information about how you can mentor a young woman on her journey of discernment.
Dear Parents:
Your child’s vocation—or answer to God’s call—begins with you. Through your prayers, examples of holiness and faithfulness, and invitation to pursue noble goals, you provide the foundation for your child to live a full life of great joy.
AS PARENTS you are your children’s first teachers and witnesses to the gospel. The church relies on you to awaken in your children the knowledge that they are loved and that they have a sacred purpose: to share that love with others for the greater glory of God. From teaching them their first prayers to introducing them to the art of questioning and listening, you are providing your children with the essential skills they’ll need to discern where God is calling them on the path of love, service, and fulfillment.
10 suggestions for fostering happy and holy families—essential for nurturing vocations
- Pray daily as a family in thanksgiving, for guidance, for forgiveness.
- Talk with your children about their worries and concerns; their hopes and dreams.
- Share meals together as often as possible.
- Tell stories about your family history—the good and the bad. Talk about how you became a family, and the day your children were born.
- Decide together your family goals and what your biggest do’s and don’ts are.
- Be active in your parish and your community. Encourage your children to participate in the ministries of the parish.
- Teach family members to fight fair and forgive easily.
- Talk about your faith and the men and women, including sisters, brothers, and priests, who have had an important influence on you.
- Work to reduce stress among all family members. Have fun and play together each day.
- Encourage your children to be creative and compassionate and know that those are the greatest of God’s gifts.
© Vision Catholic Religious Vocation Guide and NRVC National Religious Vocation Conference
Learn more about how you can Help your children make wise choices