
Sister Concepta's SECRET Sugar Cookie Recipe!

Wow!  We asked you to share Sister Concepta’s video on Facebook 50 times so she would unveil her SECRET sugar cookie recipe and we got a huge response! As promised, here is the recipe. Let us know if you bake them! Share photos of the cookies, please!


1 c. margarine       4 c. flour
1 c. sugar               1 tsp. cream tartar
1 c. oil                     1 tsp. soda
2 eggs                     ½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla

Cream margarine , sugars, and oil and eggs, beat well, add vanilla, flour and dry ingredients.
Chill dough. Roll into small balls, press with bottom of a glass which has been oiled and dipped into sugar.
Bake 10-12 Min. at 350̊.

By the way, do you know anyone who might make a great Catholic sister? Do you know how to talk with your daughter, niece, coworker, or friend about a religious vocation? Do you know the signs that someone might be a great candidate for religious life? Answers to those questions, and a free discernment journal at Finding Your Way. Check it out!

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