
Sr. Marcelline Koch, OP – Iraq delegation: Global Sisters Report Articles

Koch_SrsReportThe Global Sisters Report at National Catholic Reporter asked that the Iraq delegation members write a reflection about their experiences to Iraq. Over this month all three articles written by Sr. Marcelline, Sr. Dusty Farnan and Sr. Arlene Flahert were posted online providing a power glimpse of what they saw and felt.  Sr. Marcelline’s topic and article was posted today full of photos she took of Iraqi families displaced by the ongoing conflict.

Sister Marcelline revealed that Dominican life compelled her to go to Iraq; In her words, “As I think of their experience, I am reminded of one of the characteristics that St. Dominic made a part of Dominican life – that of itinerancy, traveling from place to place. For me as a Dominican, I choose it. I choose the stance in life that allows me to be sent, to be on the move as needed by the mission. Itinerancy is a necessary partner to mission.”

Take some time a read each of the Iraq delegation’s reflections here:

Thank you for your continued concern and prayer for our brothers and sisters in Iraq.

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