
“Our call is to follow the Gospel”

As president of the board of Bethany House of Hospitality, Joliet Franciscan Sister Dolores Zemont has her priorities straight. “Our call is to follow the Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ that calls us to not only notice but to ‘be there’ for the underserved, for the poor, for those who have no place else to go.” Listen as she explains how donations helps those who have no other place to go.

Sister Dolores and her religious community, like many others in Illinois, are supportive of Bethany House’s executive director, Springfield Dominican Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy. “She knows what she is doing,” Sister Dolores says of Sister Kathlyn. “She has been a total and pure gift. She has a lot of experience serving the people of God who are underserved and under noticed. She has been a grace to everybody.”

To make your own response to the call to follow the Gospel, you can get involved with one of many Springfield Dominican missions or make a gift at our secure online donation portal today.

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